Prayers of Thanks
Last night we joined the children in their large hall for a "Talent Show". However, it was more of a worship time than anything else. Joyous singing and dancing by all the children greeted us as we joined into the crowd of children from many tribes and even nations but of one mind and heart for God. I asked an older girl for translations as each group came on stage to do their song\dance. The first song was about how excellent God is, Margaret said. Group after group came up and they were all songs of faith. One particularly moving moment was when a single young boy stood on stage and sang "You Raise me Up" and the audience joined in. Actually, all the children joined in for every song. However, they sometimes did not always understand the language of a different tribe or if they were Somalian. The Somalian children knew how to sing the words, but even they have forgotten the meanings since they have been away from their families so long. The children are taught English and Swahili as the national Kenyan languages. This makes the mission trip much more enjoyable by being able to communicate with adults and children. Our team did our VBS song for the children on the stage too. Part of the night was a prayer of thanks by the children. All of them put their heads on the tables and grasped their hands in prayer. So, as I am praying, I noticed a murmur growing through the hall filling it with their thank you's to God. A older child finished with a corporate prayer of appreciation of all that God does for us.
My take from this is that no matter what our condition and circumstances, we can give thanks to God. The children and adults we meet say "God is good all the time. All the time, God is good." Reminding themselves that even in hard times, God is in control and good...all the time. Not just in the good times.
An older child (Grace) stood up and gave a sermon on Ruth and how the Word described in the bible is a lamp for our path, a mirror to show what we are, and a sword to remove what is wrong in our lives. The night ended with different children standing up and providing a favorite scripture and what it means. God is indeed Good all the time and these children help me remember to always give thanks... always. God bless you back home, we love and miss you all very much.
Mungu Aku Bariki "God Bless You"
Mark Shreiner June 8,2013
Today we will do VBS for Tumaini and Huruma children
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