We've been shuffling through airports since last night, and between security points and check-ins and moving walkways, our conversations keep turning back to answered prayers.
Every goal, every hope, every fear for this trip has been met by God's faithfulness in a breathtaking way.
Praise, the little boy from the KCK home who's been waiting for surgery to remove a tumor behind his eye, was finally successfully operated on while we here. Emily, who is his sponsor and on our team, got to see him before and after. We were able pray him through the entire process and he's home today and doing great. Praise God!
We had hoped this trip could be more about people than projects, and indeed it was -- in ways that were beyond our planning. We developed new and deeper friendships with ministry partners, children and even alums of Tumaini, who helped fill out for us the full picture of the ministry's impact.
We all had a little fear heading into Kenya this time because of the security situation. While we felt very safe the entire time, our Kenyan brothers and sisters in Christ reminded us that insecurity and increased Christian persecution is the new normal for them, and that it was a profound encouragement that we would come, especially now. We stand for Jesus together as the body if Christ.
So now we are about to board our Atlanta-bound plane here in Amsterdam. As we make this last leg of the journey, please know that the impact of your prayers and support has been felt halfway around the world, in the lives of kids and faithful adults who think of you as family. God is so big, and so is His church. We are in awe.
In Christ,
Have so much enjoyed following each of you with these posts. Praying for you as you process this trip in both hearts and minds.